November 12, 2012
One white spot on each loss.
A life term project.
A paint that will only see completion when the subject becomes himself part of the paint.
“About death”
Researchers have studied grief to better understand the ways people work through loss
and over time come to accept it. They have identified emotional states that people may go
through while grieving. The first feelings usually include shock or numbness. Then, as
the person sees how his or her life is affected by the loss, emotions start to surface. The
early shock and numbness is often replaced by other emotions, like anger, loneliness,
disbelief, or denial. These feelings can come and go over a long period of time. The final
phase of grief is the one in which people find a way to come to terms with and accept the
Um ponto branco para cada perda.
Um projecto com a duração de uma vida.
Uma pintura que só verá o seu término quando o sujeito criador se tornar ele também objecto da pintura.
“Sobre a morte”
Investigadores estudaram a dor de maneira a entender melhor a forma como as pessoas enfrentam a perda e como, com o tempo, a aceitam. Identificaram estados emocionais que os individuos atravessam durante o processo de luto. Os primeiros sentimentos incluem frequentemente choque e dormência. Então, assim que a pessoa percebe como a sua vida é afectada pela perda, outras emoções tendem a vir ao de cima, o choque e dormência iniciais são frequentemente substituidos por raiva, solidão e negação. Estes sentimentos podem ir e vir durante um longo periodo de tempo.
A fase final do luto é aquela na qual os indivíduos encontram uma forma de chegar a termos com a perda aceitando-a.

Today i planted a tree before i had coffee.

“Last time we checked in with Formiga he was releasing his self title bandcamp debut, a piece of beauty from a foreign land (at least to us). Now, a year later, Luis releases his sophomore EP stepping forward once again to present a neatly captured audio package. Wrapped in finely plucked guitars, the vocalist preserves his traditional methods as he unwinds a record that feels, above all, deeply personal and touched with living experience.”
November 6, 2012